*NEW!* Automatic reordering for cans is now available!

Ordering Guide

We're here to make sure you get the right tool for the job. Use our handy ordering guide to find the right Oktober Can Seamer to can your craft.

Step 1: determine Your Can Size

There is an Oktober Can Seamer for virtually any size can. Changing between can sizes that have the same end type is as simple as snapping on an adapter. Our quick change tooling sets enable you to offer a variety of sizes with the efficiency of just one machine.

Need help choosing a size? Check out our video or read this article.

What is an "End Type"?

The end type refers to the top of the can, where the opening mechanism (like a pull tab) is located. This part of the can is crimped onto the body during the sealing process. Not all cans have the same end type—different designs exist depending on the beverage, brand, and functionality.

Common End Types include:

  • B64 (Standard): The most widely used end type in the beverage industry, especially in North America.
  • SuperEnd® (EOT – End Over Tab): A more lightweight, eco-friendly version of the B64 that uses less aluminum.
  • 360 End® (Full Aperture): The entire lid comes off, turning the can into a cup. Popular for beers, energy drinks, for non-beverage creations.
  • 206 CDL End: A specific type of end used for certain larger cans, like 24oz and 16oz export cans.
  • 300 End: Found on larger cans, like 32oz Crowlers™ or 750ml cans.

Need to know more? Watch our Oktober Labs video that explains it all.

Each model letter designation is designed to seal one end type, but you can purchase Adapters or Tooling Sets to swap out for different can sizes and end types. For example, if you want to seal 32oz and 16oz cans, you can buy a Model 8-G (for 32oz) and add a “B” Tooling Set (for 16oz). Swapping the tooling set takes about 15 minutes and only requires common hand tools.

Step 2: Match with your machine

Once you've determined the can sizes you'll be using, select a machine that fits your production volume, can size, and specific needs. Each machine model includes a letter designation that corresponds to the can sizes and end types it is pre-configured for. Choose the letter series that comes with the tooling you’ll use most often to ensure efficiency and ease of operation. You can purchase additional can size adapters as needed. Here's a cheat sheet to help you identify which machines come configured, or are easily re-tooled for your can sizes.

Step 3: Select A Power Standard

If you're in the U.S. or Canada, or any region that uses 120V 60Hz power, select the 120V option.

If you're outside the U.S. in a region that uses 220V 50Hz power, choose the 220V option when ordering. We can customize the outlet connector to match your location.

Step 4: Pick A Color

Black is always classy, but feel free to get wild and match your color scheme (or don’t). Get even crazier
and go with a sparkly prismatic color. Whichever you choose, we will work with you to make sure you
get exactly the color you need.

Step 5: Place your order

Oktober Can Seamers have a standard 2-week lead time to ship, but you may get yours sooner. If you opted for a custom color, it may add to your lead time. If you're in a crunch, let us know and we'll try to speed things along as much as possible.

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