*NEW!* Automatic reordering for cans is now available!

How Canning Craft Beer Can Improve Consumer Perception

How Canning Craft Beer Can Improve Consumer Perception

Beer canning is becoming the most popular way to share and sell craft beer. It can make your beer appear more professional and personalized. It enables you to market your brand while granting the label your signature design touch. 

Adding a can seamer to your business can put your products in front of fresh eyes and open up new opportunities for revenue.

The Benefits of Canning Craft Beer for Your Customers


Cans are better than bottles at keeping your beer fresher longer. They don’t let in any light, and unlike the caps on many beer bottles, their seams are fully airtight. The quality of the beer is the most important factor for any brewer, and whether it is a to-go CrowlerTM or a 6-pack meant for a beer store shelf, cans will keep that quality for longer than bottles.  


Studies show that around 78% of customers say sustainability is important in the products they purchase, and the majority of them would be willing to pay more for a product that is environmentally friendly. Aluminum cans are a great choice to appeal to those customers because they are better for the environment than glass bottles. They require less energy to produce, can be easily recycled, and weigh less, which saves on transportation costs.


People love products that are easier to carry, store, and get rid of when they’re done. Cans are easy to tag onto a to-go order when buying food online, and they don’t require you to bring a growler back to the taproom for a refill. Many customers also appreciate that more places accept cans for recycling, and they’re much lighter to carry than a bag of bottles.

The Benefits of Canning Craft Beer for Your Business


Adding a brewery canning machine is a great way to increase your revenue while keeping your costs low. The profit margin on cans is much higher than on kegs, and they are less expensive than bottles. Cans are easier to fill than growlers, which means almost no beer is wasted during the process. Also, since cans are lighter than bottles, they cut down on fuel consumption during transportation, which is better for your business and the environment.


Can labels provide an excellent place to advertise your business. They’re larger than the labels on bottles and enable you to create a signature look for your beer. We offer custom-labeled cans to our customers with a wide range of options, including sizes, ends, and finishes.


Canning beer for your customers is a great way to introduce a new revenue stream to your business. Adding a high-quality can seamer with a small footprint will allow you to fill and seal a can within a matter of seconds. Now you can sell cans to people who are heading out to the beach or a party who love the convenience that a can provides.

Why Use a Homebrew Canning Machine?

Cans aren’t just for large-scale brewery, they can be an awesome addition to a homebrewing operation. We offer affordable beer canning equipment available for homebrewers, like the SL1 Homebrewer and BenchMK can seamers.

Share with Friends

One of the best parts of homebrewing is sharing your new creations with friends and family, and cans make that a lot easier. You can bring them to a party and put them in a cooler or give them as gifts. Having some friends over who love your beer? Give them a few cans to take home and maybe share with your friends. Putting your beer in a can will help spread the word about your brew, and it just may give you the launchpad you need to expand your brewery operation.  

Improve Your Presentation at Competitions

Technically, the judges won’t be grading how great your can looks. But let’s be honest, every little bit helps when you’re competing, and giving your beer a professional look is a great way to score yourself (unofficial) points. It might also impress some of your competition as well.

Beer Canning Machines from Oktober

Beer Canning Machines from Oktober

In order to add cans to your operation, you’ll need an excellent beer canning machine. At Oktober Can Seamers we offer machines with a sleek modern design that require minimal maintenance. Commercial breweries use them to sell beer to-go in 12 oz, 16 oz, or 32oz CrowlerTM cans. It allows them to can unique and one-off beers for customers to save for later, or to do a side-by-side comparison of a new brew versus a previous one. 

Order a Beer Canning Machine Today

Ready to start canning your craft beer? Get started with a reliable and affordable brewery canning machine from Oktober.

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