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Liquid Concentrate Hydrogen Dosing Kit
Liquid Concentrate Hydrogen Dosing Kit
Cargar imagen en el visor de la galería, Liquid Concentrate Hydrogen Dosing Kit
Cargar imagen en el visor de la galería, Liquid Concentrate Hydrogen Dosing Kit

Liquid Concentrate Hydrogen Dosing Kit

Precio habitual $ 203.63

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Packing gas alternative to liquid nitrogen dosing!

No more squishy cans! Liquid Hydrogen Concentrate adds up to 50psi of pressure to your cans and introduces a lighter, more flavorful, and smoother experience to your beverage without adding carbonation. The active ingredient Magnesium reacts with acidity in the beverage to create hydrogen gas and a small amount of magnesium hydroxide (a common antacid), slightly increasing the PH in the process.  The kit includes citric acid as a catalyst for high PH beverages.   

Kit Options:

  • 10 Dose Sample Kit
  • 300+ Dose Starter Kit
  • 1500+ Dose Production Kit

Kits Include:

  • IV Bag of Liquid Hydrogen 
  • 2 Syringes and Stir Sticks 
  • 1 bag of Citric Acid - Catalyst & Spoon 

HyVida’s Hyjacked Hydrogen Infusion Kits are patent pending and created by HyJacked Bev-Technology and distributed by Oktober Can Seamers.

Please contact HyJacked Bev-Techonlogy for bulk pricing. 

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