*NEW!* Automatic reordering for cans is now available!

oktober automatic canning line

For most brewers, stepping into packaging is an expensive leap of faith, requiring technical expertise and valuable floor space in already-cramped breweries.With those challenges in mind, we designed our first fully automated Oktober Canning Line.

The Oktober Canning Line features a 4-head filler and runs up to 20 cans per minute, accommodating a variety of can and end sizes. We kept costs low with a "everything you need, nothing you don’t" approach—delivering simple, efficient performance without unnecessary complexity. It’s designed for self-reliance, with an intuitive touchscreen interface, easy maintenance using common tools, and direct access to our expert technical support. Plus, it fits neatly on a standard 24” x 36” rolling cart.

The Oktober Canning Line is designed from the ground up to be affordable and attainable. Staying true to our commitment to customer service and customization, our engineers will work with you to ensure that add-ons and modifications are tailored to create the best workflow for your operation.

Presales for the Oktober Canning Line begin Spring 2025. Get on the list now to be notified about updates.

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