*NEW!* Automatic reordering for cans is now available!

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You’ve worked hard to create a beverage that’s packed with a unique flavor that your customers love. Adding a quality can seamer to your brewing project will ensure that your product retains that flavor when you offer it as a to-go beverage, sell it in stores, or just share a few cans with your friends.

Model 8

modelo 7

Cervecero casero SL1

El BancoMK

Why Choose Oktober Can Seamers?

We’ve designed compact, affordable, and easy-to-use can seamers that are perfect for the largest bars and craft breweries as well as the smallest home brew setups. They are ideal for quickly sealing to-go cans for customers since they’re quiet and won’t shoot beer all over the place.

While beer canning is the most popular use for our can seamers, they are also popular for canning coffee beans, cocktails, and many other beverages. But we won’t tell you what you can and cannot put in your cans. As long as it's legal, and you consider food safety, you can use our canning machines for just about any beverage or dry good of your choice.

Our can seamers are also built to last. Breweries have used our canning machines to seam hundreds of thousands of cans every year, and they’re still going strong. Every can seamer from Oktober also comes with a one-year parts warranty. Plus, cleaning and maintaining a can seamer from Oktober is a simple process that only takes a few minutes and minimal training to complete.

If you’d like to know more about any of Oktober Can Seamers’ products, don’t hesitate to contact our staff. Our seamers typically ship within two weeks, though we can look at potential expedited shipping options if you need your canning machine ASAP.

Our Can Seamers

Model 8

Our newest creation, the Model 8, is an automatic can seamer. Just place the can into the machine, close the splash guard, and push the big green button. In a few seconds, your can will be finished, and you’ll be free to move on to the next one. 

The Model 8 makes use of our robust, needle-bearing roller design for even greater reliability. It also has LED lights to help show off to your customers that you have a fast and easy way to can their beverage to go. The Model 8 can seamer comes in standard black, but we also offer a wide range of custom colors, including prismatic colors, to give your machine a signature touch.

This canning machine comes in six variations, with additional configurations for even more can sizes. They range from 100 ml beverage cans up to 508 and 700 height coffee cans. It also supports 12, 16, 19.2, 24, and 32 oz cans and 8 and 12 oz sleek cans. Specifically, the Model 8 works with 200, 202, 206, 209, 300, and 401 can ends. That’s a lot of numbers!

Model 7

One of our most popular choices for breweries, the Model 7 is a semi-manual can seamer. Like the Model 8, this canning machine has an electric motor to spin the can, you’ll just need to move two levers in order to press the rollers against the cans and seal them. Completing the seam still only takes a few seconds per can.

The Model 7 comes in standard black and custom colors, including prismatic colors that will make your can seamer literally sparkle.

This can seamer is available in 12 different variations that will work with 8, 12, 16, 19.2, 24, and 32 oz cans. It also supports 250, 330, 500 ml, and 1 L cans, or 508 and 700 height coffee cans. It can seam several sizes of can ends, including 300, 209, 206, 202, and 200.

SL1 Homebrewer

As the name would imply, the SL1 Homebrewer was created for small brewing projects. It’s a semi-manual can seamer that’s still easy to operate, but requires a bit more routine maintenance. It seams 12 and 16 oz cans, 330 and 500 ml cans, or 8 oz “stubby” and 12 oz “sleek” cans. As for can ends, it works with 202 B64, CDL, SuperEnd® and 360 End® sizes. The SL1 comes in just one color—black!


Our most affordable can seamer, the BenchMK doesn’t get its power from an electrical outlet. Instead, any electric drill with a minimum ⅜ inch chuck is used to run this canning machine (ELECTRIC DRILL NOT INCLUDED). Just stick the drill bit into the top to set the canning machine’s base spinning, and use the lever to complete the seam.

The BenchMK works with the same cans SL1 Homebrewer, including 12 and 16 oz cans, 330 and 500 ml cans, or 8 oz “stubby” and 12 oz “sleek” cans. It is also compatible with the same can ends, including the 202 B64, CDL, SuperEnd®, and 360 End® sizes. The BenchMK comes in standard black.

Canning Equipment

Your can seamer will arrive factory calibrated and have everything you need to get started in just a few minutes. But we also have plenty of additional accessories available, including tools, guards, adapters, chucks, and tooling sets. We also offer replacement parts such as springs, rollers, fuses, bearings, adjusters, and more.

Cans, Ends, and Lids

Once you have a can seamer on hand, you’ll need high-quality cans and ends to use with them. We offer a range of brands and sizes, in addition to can carriers and coffee cans.

International Orders

Our can seamers aren’t just for U.S. customers. We sell our canning machines internationally through our website and through trusted resellers in Australia, Italy, Norway, the Philippines, and the United Kingdom and we are looking to expand further. While our can seamers come standard with 110V 60Hz motors, we do offer 220V 50Hz options for export orders.

Buy a Can Seamer from Oktober

Check out our individual can seamers to find the right option for your business. If you have any questions, our staff would love to answer them!

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