*NEW!* Automatic reordering for cans is now available!

Oktober ofrece Servicios Profesionales de Pre-Etiquetado de Latas. ¡Siga el enlace a continuación para comenzar su pedido!

Dedicated to Craft

At Oktober Design, we believe that great beer and great engineering go hand in hand. As brewers, engineers, and problem solvers, we handcraft our can seamers with the same precision and pride that go into a well-crafted beer. Our products are designed to help breweries streamline operations while preserving the integrity of their product, ensuring they grow with your business.

Beyond equipment, we simplify can sourcing with custom pre-labeled cans, brite cans, and flexible ordering options, all backed by dedicated support. Whether you're scaling up or just getting started, we're here to help you can with confidence.

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