*NEW!* Pallets of cans are now available!


4 sept 2023

What Makes a Brewery Successful?

If you want to know what makes a brewery successful, we’ve got you covered. Here are some strategies to refresh your business and add new customers.

30 ago 2023

Crowler vs. Growler: Which Is Best for Selling Beer?

What is the best way for your brewery to provide beer your patrons can enjoy at home? This crowler vs. growler matchup compares the two options side by side.

16 ago 2023

Crowlers to Go: A Cutting-Edge Alternative to Beer Cans in Your Cooler

Breweries can offer Crowlers to go as an additional alternative to beer cans in their coolers, growing their customer base and commanding a higher price point.

2 ago 2023

Best Practices for Canning Cold Brew Coffee

Canning cold brew coffee presents additional revenue opportunities for coffee roasters. Learn more about using a coffee canning machine for your business.

28 jul 2023

How to Maintain a Beer Canning Machine

Like any equipment, a beer canning machine needs maintenance to work properly. See how home brewers and larger craft breweries can keep their machines running.

14 jul 2023

The Benefits of Adding a Coffee Canning Machine to Your Business

Adding a coffee canning machine to your setup is a great way to grow revenue and enter new markets. Here’s what to know about using can seamers for cold brew.

30 jun 2023

Your Guide to a Homebrew Canning Machine Setup

Homebrewing can be complicated, but with the help of the right homebrew canning machine from Oktober, you can perfect your homebrewing process.

20 jun 2023

How to Build an Effective Beer-To-Go Strategy

Serving beer to-go can expand your customer base and give you opportunities to grow financially. With Oktober, you can offer beer to-go with ease.

9 jun 2023

What Is a Crowler Machine?

A Crowler machine allows you to can your own delicious brews in a convenient and versatile Crowler. Oktober provides affordable Crowler machine options.

22 may 2023

How to Choose the Right Beer Can Size for Your Brew/Beverage Project

Picking a beer can size for your brew could decide how many cans you ultimately sell. That’s why we’ve put together a guide to help you pick the perfect size.

22 may 2023

How Does a Canning Machine Work?

Oktober Can Seamers makes canning machines that are affordable and easy for hobbyists and small businesses to use. We’ll tell you how each one works!

20 may 2023

Why a High-Quality Beverage Can Seamer Is Essential

A great beer can seamer can help your business tap into new markets and expand your business. Check out our selection to find the right one for your business.
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